Thursday, July 16, 2015

Art Expression

Good Morning Kids! Our lesson for today is about Art. What is Art? Art is a way of expressing your emotions. Be in writing, literature, speaking, singing, painting and the like. Jesus encouraged to develop your talents to unveil your feelings. Some talents are natural while some are learned. If I have the chance to pick an Art it is to learn Sculpting.

So enough intro because we have a project to make. I noticed there's a blank space in my room so I think about time to put something on it. I have bought inks before cause I wanna print the Portland logo. Never got around to do it. I have to buy some stencil and shirt and cutter one of these days. The Blazers logo of course is about train tracks.

At the moment, I wanna try Ink blotting. You know, its you put a globs of paint at the center of the canvass, then turning it whichever way you want. In whatever shape it pleases your eyes. Letting gravity do its work. I wanna get some illustration boards first then I show you what comes up.

Don't be jealous Kids cause this is also about you and your respective talents. If you can write then develop your writing. You can sing, then practice singing. You have talent in speaking, then speak up. You wanna dance, then dance with somebody. You want to learn, then read a lot. Drama queens make good celebrities. You are athletic, you find whatever sports you love and be good at it. And so on. Do not argue whether Sports is an Art or not. Even Walking is an Art. Just look at soldiers marching.

Flying is an Art.

for those not in the video, you can dunk is you fly okay?


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