Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pabebe Girls

What is a Pabebe Girl? Its a girl who acts like a baby. Like spoiled brats. They do not care whether other people get annoyed because they love what they do and they are just being true to themselves.

Pabebe. From the root word baby, bebe.

Question is, is this biblical?

Jesus said "Be like children". If you are a child you should not behave like a baby cause a child should behave like a child. Like a child should not behave like an adult.

An adult also should not behave like a baby. But adults can be like children when they behave with no malice.

That is why parents, especially the mother, is responsible in teaching good values, right conduct and discipline to their children while the father is away making a living. When the father is at home, its his time to teach his children.

As an old saying goes "Marriage is not like cooked rice you eaten already that you can vomit when you perceive its too hot". In other words marriage, the man and the woman must be in love and they are ready in all aspects. That is why you get educated and have careers first so you be ready emotionally, physically and financially for relationships.

See the uneducated poor, they marry and multiply but did they get married because of love or lust? They are not ready cause they cannot take care of the children. This one cause of Pabebe girls.

It is now clear that Jesus advises when you marry, you marry because of love that is forever and you know the responsibilities in it and you are ready for it. No thinking about divorce. Because when you think about divorce at the start, its because you have hidden agenda.

So marriage is a responsibility you have to be ready for and one wife already makes you crazy, how much more are two, three or four wives?

There is no God but Allah. Cause God is a jealous God. If you a man, you should only have one wife. If you a woman, you should only have one husband.

So one asks How to keep a marriage strong? Is the couple should work at it. Marriage is like a house is like a Church. If it has solid foundations and structural components, it can withstand forces of nature like quakes and typhoons. You can repair if at all. However if the foundation of a couple is weak, then it will fold up sooner or later or it is not a good place to raise children. 

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