Monday, July 20, 2015

My Hobbies

I collect books, NBA cards, CDs, DVDs and graven images of different culture. Occasionally I spend my time at an antique shop looking at graven images and old pictures and reading old letters. Which is somewhat fascinating cause you looking at things you don't know and having a glimpse of their lives.

But I like to talk about books first. As you know I read books but I am a slow reader that my books piled up that its appropriate that I call myself a book hoarder. I find biographies the most interesting read and I recommend it to you guys cause you learn from their life. I must say the biography of Vince Spadea, a professional tennis player, is most enjoyable. Tennis is one of my favorite sports and to know something more about the game and the players and the fans and their interaction is just amusing. Its like putting yourself in their shoes cause you can relate to the person cause you are a fan of the game. For people and things unfamiliar to you, biographies serve as eye-openers.

 I also read literature from foreign lands.

Tales of war and peace

This is my most prized possession.

I want them big pictures of beautiful creatures.

I'm forgetting the detective genre. Once I read a detective story, I get the all the books in the serial cause I get attached to the characters. Perhaps later.

Blacks, Whites, Arab, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, all races, religions and countries --- we all should confront our fears to have healing. This is just a part of my book collection not to mention my ebooks library. You may not be in this blog but I think about you all the time. I love you.

I love baseball. I love sports in general. 

We must learn more about our Muslim/Arab brothers to understand them.

My opinion is that Cubans are the best in amateur boxing. I wanna see them challenge the best in the professionals. I bet all fight fans do.

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