Friday, July 17, 2015

Vote Wisely

I would say that the voting process is tedious in this part of the world. Lets me recall the times I served in the elections. The polling place has precinct designations in which the barangays are distributed. So as a registered voter, you check the precincts to which your barangay belong. The precinct in other words is a classroom. Then if you found the barangay number, you check if your name is included in the list.

That is my duty is to assist voters because I was a Third Member. That means knowing the barangays included in our precinct. The other members of a precinct is the Chairman and the Poll Clerk. So early on, the three of us prepare the polling precinct. Make sure the chairs has the voting paraphernalia like the list of candidates and pens and covering.

So after the verification, people line up and given ballots. We make sure no flying voters and no fishy things going on. So after filling up the blank spaces in the ballots, we make sure the voters put it personally into the ballot box. You know a ballot box is a steel box with transparent glass so you know that your ballot is in there. I must say the least enjoyable part of this duty is to hold the hands of the lady voters to put indelible ink in their thumb nails. Tsk tsk tsk. I have no choice cause its the duty I sworn to do at the best of my ability.

So the boring and dull process goes on until the voting time ends. All this time, my company is the teachers who I eat lunch and snacks with. My mother is a teacher that is why I am here. It also pays quite well for a one or two day work. There are also the watchers who represents the candidates and parties. Sometimes they give food and drinks to which we accept cause this an act of goodwill and there is no rule against it and absolutely no strings attached to it.

After the time limit is the start of the counting. Of the Chairman opens the ballot boxes where we are witnesses along with watchers and representatives from Comelec the government arm. The Poll Clerk tabulates it in the papers with several copies while me as the Third Member tabulates it in the blackboard for all to see. We sometimes swap places. While the Chairman recites the names listed in there and shows them to all witnesses. I would say these are the official returns and the unofficial votes they count through the copies made by the Poll Clerk.

We go on until its finished which usually midnight. We secure the ballot boxes with the locks and clean the place. For the Chairman, the night does not end there cause they have to make sure the ballot boxes go to the City Hall or where they gonna accumulate the votes. They usually carpool to the place. The purpose of this post is to tell you details about this so you can comment on the process so we can improve it if ever. 

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