Thursday, July 30, 2015


Good Morning Kids! Our lesson for today is to give a commentary to your classmate Aimee about the stereotypes.
Stereotype (n): a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Most of the time stereotyped characters make me want to go again? every time I read about them. I mean, I don’t have anything against stereotypes in particular since a lot of them do happen in real life… but do they always? So today, I’m going to share with you the ways these stereotypes can be switched up into something better, and/or more realistic!
My definition of a stereotype is this is a classical thought so on the basis that it is old and famous that is accepted as the truth without much scrutiny. We have to scrutinize and try all spirits if they are of the truth or not. Stereotypes are being revamped that is why we see innovations in science and technology for example.

1. The Tomboy Who’s “One of the Guys”
THE STEREOTYPE: Books and movies portray tomboys (girls who act a lot like guys) as “one of the guys,” or always hangs out with guys and is considered to be part of their “manly group.”

PERSONAL THOUGHTS: This stereotype does make sense, but how about tomboys who still hangout with girls? Or tomboys who hang out with a mix of both?

REVAMPED: Can we please have a tomboy who’s one of the girls?
How about if the tomboy hangs out with gays? I mean like-minded people they become friends so they hang out together. Short hair is not a basis for being a tomboy. Tomboy for me is a woman who has a woman partner and is behaving the man in their relationship. Same-sex relationship that is strictly disallowed in the doctrines of Jesus.

2. The Wise Old Man/Woman
THE STEREOTYPE: In books and movies, almost all old people are portrayed as wise, and often give advice to our young heroes and heroines.

PERSONAL THOUGHTS: Okay, yeah, wise people have more experience and knowledge, but do they all? How about those that grew up alone, or maybe with no education?

REVAMPED: Let’s have an old guy who actually is pretty clueless and even puts the main characters in danger.
People have singular experiences so that means old people have more singular experiences. Does not necessarily make them wise. Otherwise we see the old people in leadership roles in our society. Listen to people regardless of their age cause they teach you something.

3. The Antisocial Nerd/Geek/Dweeb
THE STEREOTYPE: First off all, it fucking pisses me off that smart people are instantly labeled “nerds.” Even the dictionary describes nerds as: a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.
PERSONAL THOUGHTS: And I’m just like… what?! I don’t know about other schools, but in ours, super geniuses are greatly admired and mostly have a ton of friends. Or if they don’t, they want to, but other peopleare intimidated by them. So it’s not really the person himself who’s antisocial.
REVAMPED: Hit us up with a nerd who loves to drink and go to parties. Or a geek who’s even more popular than the basketball team’s star player. Or a geek who is the basketball team’s star player.
I believe people have something or someone that they obsess about so that makes them nerds in one way or another. So there should be no distinction cause some people are obsessed with action figures, some in collecting books and so on. There is a goons-looking guy I know is obsessed with spiders complete with their scientific names. If you not obsessed with something, then you are not developing the gifts that God has given you.

4. The Gentlemanly/Prim and Proper Thief/Con Artist
THE STEREOTYPE: Apparently all thieves are super stealthy to the point that they’re all gentlemen, or are extremely well-groomed all the time and are really classy in their craft–and even outside of it.
PERSONAL THOUGHTS: So thieves in our country are definitely not gentlemanly.
REVAMPED: Bring forth a thief or con artist who is clumsy, messy, and actually leaves evidence to be caught.
As a wise man told me, there is not an honest mechanic. There are white lies that is necessary because it is not a problem at all.

5. The Byronic Hero
THE STEREOTYPE: This happens so often in contemporary romances, be it YA, NA or adult. We usually have a guy who thinks he’s up on a fucking pedestal and belittles everyone, broods for 3/4 of the book because of some pretty deep shit, and yet everyone in the book seems to think he’s sexy.
PERSONAL THOUGHTS: For me, a sweet and charming guy is totally way sexier.
REVAMPED: Give us an arrogant guy that no one actually likes and doesn’t have ginormous family problems to brood about–some people just brood for no reason, you know?
Be confident but do not be overconfident because that is arrogance. So check yourself while you are young because eventually time humbles arrogant people. Be humble but not too humble cause people when they see that weakness, they will tread on you and you will be overrun. Just be a decent person.

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