Sunday, August 2, 2015

Angkor Wat

This is Angkor Wat in Cambodia. I had an immediate superior who went there for a trip. He gave me a key chain of Angkor Wat when he came back. He said the locals there tells of the law in the old times that no buildings should be built higher than the Angkor Wat.

It is interesting to know the Buddhists had same building code as that of Christians. Of course Cambodia is now modernized and they have high rise buildings. Like elsewhere in the world, the building codes are being updated.

The key to peace in the warring tribes is to bring in the stealth weapons of animes, cartoons and children stories. Throw in also lively music like that of Psy. For a start so they get educated at the primary level. Disney and Pixar films should travel around the world.

Sports also falls on the same level because it is sports. Seriously sports describes the triumph of the human spirit. You cannot see the spirit so this is stealth. Most sports do not have physical contact so this again stealth. After the game though, we can see the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat so sports teaches something. Am I making sense?

Films and entertainment with live action shows the emotions clearly so they cannot be stealth so it is in the intermediate to tertiary level of learning.

This is why Jesus also tells of parables and fables.

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