Sunday, August 2, 2015


So why do these tribes in the poverty of their nations have weapons and ammunition? How did they get this? Because of illegal deals and smuggling. They have the natural resources like minerals and exotic animals to sell. They also sell people and anything of value. The leaders will sell all so that the elite few will survive. When worse comes to worst, the leader will sell even his family. Who are the buyers? This is why we do not trade in illegal market because we helping these uneducated to have more influence.

When they have nothing to give, there must be people who support them and give them the weapons. Why  is because the economy of the supporters thrive when there is chaos and war. So it becomes more complicated cause it points to financiers and illegal weapons makers.

This is old news. So what is the United Nations, the police of the world doing about this? They sleeping on the problem and they make deals to the media to mis-inform and mis-direct. They are in cahoots with each other.

As ordinary citizen we demand the truth! Is that the true photo of Pluto?! Is there Loch Ness monster? Are there aliens among us?

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