Tuesday, August 4, 2015

When in Rome

Beth is a young, ambitious New Yorker who is completely unlucky in love. However, on a whirlwind trip to Rome, she impulsively steals some coins from a reputed fountain of love, and is then aggressively pursued by a band of suitors.
Hey the only reason I am blogging this is I was reminded of it. So against my will, I have to be polite okay. Does not mean I am a follower of Rom-coms. Perhaps if Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, Uma Thurman, Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Keira Knightley, Emma Watson, Felicity Jones, Scarlet Johansson in it. Too many to mention actually!

We are here to explain the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". This is a matter of courtesy and respect to be aware of the laws, customs and traditions of the country you are visiting. So this not exclusive only to Rome but rather a Universal Law.

So when you go to Singapore, you can be fined because it is the City of Fines.

As you can see in Mean Girls, you can be a good friend to a dumb person.

Respect begets respect. This is a golden rule. I am not saying you go to a country and follow their every tradition without knowing why they are doing it. Bowing is a universal sign of respect and as we have shown, laying down your neck is a sign of unconditional friendship okay?

When you eat with Indians, you use the right hand in eating in banana leaves. Spicy food is okay what? Then you learn to eat with chopsticks, its amusing what? Likewise you pour hot tea in other people's cup of tea is sign of friendship and respect.

You keep the pair of chopsticks together okay? Cause otherwise it is disrespectful. In the UAE, we talked about the order and discipline in the bus. When you say you are family, the police will check it if you are family. Otherwise they kick you out of the bus. 


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