Wednesday, August 5, 2015

English 101

Okay today I would like to talk about another stereotype. That Asians, and other countries aside from the USA and the UK, do not have good command of the English language. The usual jab in social media is that these people are commenting to practice their english. To which I agree in a way because it is not their mother tongue. My point is, do not be discouraged with these words. Do not be overly sensitive.

I would say I have good command of the english language especially when it comes to reading and writing. But when it comes to speaking english, not so much. Again, practicing is the key. Why would we learn english? Its because most of the literature in their original state in the world is in english. So its a universal language.

I went to a catholic school where there is an English Only rule and a badge of rock is passed on to you if you speak in Filipino. When the badge in your class remained with you until school time is over, you will be listed and this "wrongdoings" for lack of a better word, the authorities will reprimand you. You have to watch out cause your classmates are your witnesses and judges. One goons is pissed off when given the rock so he throws it away.

I'm saying the only way you improve your english is to practice and keep on learning. When you speak or write english, do not do it half-way because that is lame and not cute especially if you are not cute. To be clear, speak the whole sentence in english, then another whole sentence in filipino if you are not that good yet. You will learn proper comprehension this way. Okay?

Of course quoting of foreign words or sayings is allowed.

I'm not saying you forget your heritage because you cannot. I, for example, cannot forget the filipino language because I am filipino. Understand? You study english because you want to be the best you can be in learning the english literature which is not available in your own tongue. This is not an act of betrayal okay?

So I am saying the national hero of the Philippines Dr. Jose Rizal is not a traitor for writing his literary criticisms in spanish because it is meant to criticize spanish authorities and spanish-speaking filipinos during the spanish occupation of the Philippines about 1900s. Why not write all these in Filipino? Its because he hoped the spanish authorities and spanish-speaking filipinos will understand the injustice happening and that they help his cause because they have the power and influence. His supporters can pass the word in the filipino language and dialects.

With regards to translations, like the Bible is written in Greek and Aramaic originally as far as I know, I have no choice but to rely on reliable translations in english because I do not understand those languages.

An american tourist in the UK is at registry desk of a hotel talking to the clerk.
UK clerk: The lift is on the right side.
Am tourist: Its called the elevator okay?

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