Saturday, August 1, 2015

Light the Way

Darkness is the absence of light. The sun is the cause of daylight while we have the moon, the stars and artificial lights at night. So there is night and day. This means humans are innately evil so if left unchecked, they will do evil things. This is why we have the government and religion. To teach and discipline people into righteous living. So we will have peace, not war. Who wants war anyway? Its because the people waging war does not know what they are doing.
1 Peter 2
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
Guys you know about Son Goku. He was an evil child you know. They removed his tail and he became a good kid. I am talking Dragon Ball Z.

In the film Tangled, there is a thief who changed his ways because of Rapunzel.

Okay I watch cartoons and animes. And read children stories. So what?

What I am saying is that the gospel of Dragon Ball Z, the gospel of Rapunzel, the gospel of Harry Potter, among others, from the churches of Anime, Cartoons and Fantasy Land are responsible for teaching people especially the young ones, the good values and right conduct.

I mean do kids want to be Frieza or Cell? Who wants to be villains like the Joker, Two-face or The Penguin? From what I observe, most people idolize the good guys like Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Superman, Batman, Captain America and so on. But the truth is there are some who wants to follow the bad guys. Tisk tisk tisk.


There's an article titled How should a woman keep her man happy? One magazine's sexist guide. Its sexist alright and we should not be making foolish assumptions like this. The woman is the weaker vessel so its the man who should keep her happy. How should a man keep her woman happy? Firstly the man should listen to the woman on what she wants. If she wants material things from you most of all then you chose the wrong woman because the woman should love you for what you are. 

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