Sunday, August 9, 2015

Animal Instinct

We are not animals but we have animal instincts. The fable we read in the previous blog we have a lion and a deer; and a fox and a rabbit. Its representative of a master and the master's apprentice or of a husband and his wife.

A song says "Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer". A lion can be disinterested and indifferent because the lion sleeps up to about 20 hours a day. When the lion wakes up, its gonna eat the deer. Like a fox in nature, eats the rabbit. The deer has speed in its favor and if it comes to it, it has tusks to fight the predator. I am under the impression that the deer has superior lung system than that of lions that it can outrun the lion. So the lion has to be stealth to ambush the deer. The fox is cunning also and has speed so the rabbit has to dig underground for cover.


So these are attitudes and characteristics we have in common with animals. Its in the horoscope and zodiac signs. However traits in one sign is not exclusive with each sign. Because we are not animals. Humans are divergents. When you read the horoscope and zodiac, you read all of it because you can learn lessons from all the animal traits.

The sign of the Rat is the first of the 12 animals in Chinese Astrology. Charming, diplomatic, hardworking, and thrifty, Rat natives are well liked and usually successful.

Steady and reliable Ox is the second sign of the Chinese Zodiac. When you need someone to depend on, call an Ox. These down-to-earth and sensible types are also kind-hearted and helpful to a high degree.
Energetic and exciting Tiger is the third sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Complicated Tigers will keep you guessing. They are lively, kind, generous, and funny. They can also be willfully independent, impulsive, vain, and sometimes remarkably selfish.
The Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Rabbits in China are a sign of longevity and are considered naturally lucky.
Powerful and strong-willed Dragons are the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. They are charismatic people who insist on following their own unique path in life. Not always easy to be with, they can be demanding, inconsiderate, and over-confident about their considerable skills.
Wise and often mysterious Snakes are the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. They are physically striking and often have a wonderful sense of personal style. They are independent and rather private people who follow their own path, no matter what others think.
The popular and active Horse is the seventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac. These natives are independent and cheerful types who genuinely enjoy people. They can also be quite headstrong and when angry and are apt to act without thinking things through.
The receptive, gentle, and compassionate Goat (sometimes called Sheep) is the eighth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. These quiet and sometimes shy people have enormous compassion, an artistic eye, and emotions close to the surface. They often feel especially close to their families.
Mentally alert and multi-faceted Monkey is the ninth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Monkey people are naturally confident. They rarely underestimate themselves. Their high-spirited love of life helps other feel good as well.
Much-misunderstood Rooster is the tenth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. These people are complex. They appear very attractive and sure of themselves. Some are the strong, mysterious and silent types. Some are aggressively chatty. They can win you with charm or be your worst nightmare. Roosters leave little middle ground.

Loyal, honest Dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac. They share many qualities with their canine companions. Dog people have a strong sense of justice and fair play. Genuine and unassuming, they are charming and magnetic in an effortless, down-to-earth way.
Strong, rough, cheerful Pig is the twelfth, and last sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Pig's straightforward, honest and brave nature offers much to be admired.

For example, I am born in the sign of the Rabbit which is a sign of longevity and naturally lucky. Is this true for all Rabbits? It may or may not be true. But I can be diplomatic and hardworking like a Rat, steady and reliable like an Ox, energetic and exciting like a Tiger, demanding and over-confident like a Dragon, independent and private like a Snake, active and impatient like a Horse, receptive and gentle like a Goat, mentally-alert and confident like a Monkey, silent and aggressively chatty at the same time like a Rooster, loyal and honest like a Dog, and straightforward and brave like a Pig.

How about you guys? I'm quite sure you find your qualities in all the signs.
Pisces Personality:
"Understanding" is a most appropriate keyword for this gentle, affectionate sign. Easygoing and generally accepting of others around them, Pisceans are often found in the company of a variety of different personalities. Their willingness to give of themselves emotionally lends to an aura of quiet empathy. A Pisces is comforting to be around. While not likely to be the leader, this sign's presence is strong and vibrant in any cause they put their hearts into.
I am a Piscean in the zodiac. And I feel selfish like a Tiger so check out this link for your zodiac signs.

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