Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Criticize what is right

We criticize what is wrong. We also criticize what is right because it is a sarcastic way of criticizing the wrong. This is illustrated in the two thieves in the left and right sides of Jesus. They are playing good cop and bad cop to get the truth.

Even Jesus gets angry when he saw the corruption in the temple so he overturns tables and chases the people with rope. What I am saying is criticizing is allowed in the right circumstances and right avenues. So expressing your frustrations in music is a good idea rather than doing foolish and evil things.

"When you post negative reviews of well loved books, you're bound to get some angry reactions." As the one playing the bad cop this is what you want. You want violent reactions to have controversy. You want to have controversy to have awareness. You want awareness to have solutions.

The catch is to be able to play good cop and bad cop, you must be a good cop. Know what I'm saying? So you need a team because no matter how good you are, you need good teammates and a good coach so you can be a champion team. Because a championship title is meant to be celebrated. When its an individual gold medal, you celebrate with your coaches and family and friends.

When you lose is you cry if you feel like it because there is comfort in crying. Tend to hobbies and pets. Travel. Take it as a challenge to be better prepared next time.

An apple is a fruit. An orange is a fruit. Therefore an apple is an orange. Correct?

What I am saying is you don't have to be sad to have hobbies and pets or to travel okay?

1 Timothy 1
4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
The Old Testament gives endless debates because it is after the physical world. The advice is to honor, respect and have faith with the United Nations laws because it is fair and just to all concerned countries.

The New Testament is after the spirit. Influence the world with your own good literature and culture because what it teaches is ever lasting. Okay?

Hey guys, don't feel bad in what happened in the past. The early christians encourages reconciliation among nations because you can't do anything about the past. Move on people. Or at least be civil with each other or altogether avoid them because reconciliation is not grudgingly or of necessity. All in God's time.

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