Monday, August 10, 2015


The program (or project) evaluation and review technique, commonly abbreviated PERT, is a statistical tool, used in project management, which was designed to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project. First developed by the United States Navy in the 1950s, it is commonly used in conjunction with the critical path method (CPM).
Critical path: the longest possible continuous pathway taken from the initial event to the terminal event. It determines the total calendar time required for the project; and, therefore, any time delays along the critical path will delay the reaching of the terminal event by at least the same amount.
Critical activity: An activity that has total float equal to zero. An activity with zero float is not necessarily on the critical path since its path may not be the longest.

Hello people. Today we learn about the PERT/CPM. The definitions are above. We need this in pre-construction and during construction. This falls on the Auxiliary Department which is the support group in construction.

In other words, this is Planning. We come up with the design and specification first. Then we go for estimates which is in connection with Planning because you estimate not only for the manpower, materials, money and equipment but also the time, schedule and duration.

So for every project, you prepare the Schedule so the project runs smoothly. You have design and specifications for a building, however, there are many variables so the even if you have the same design, it would be different depending on the locality, the time and the resources available.

So like the townhouses with same blueprints are the same but also different.

Like we see in the formation of "new earths" which are planets in the habitable zones of their star system like our earth is to the sun. Its similar in design and mechanics but the components are different.
Revelation 21
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
So these doctrines are the design and specifications. It depends on you how apply this in your life. In construction, its easier to build from scratch rather than to repair and renovate.

Teach the children the good manners and right conduct while they are young because they are like sponges that absorbs the teachings easily.

For teenagers and adults, you are required to repair your structural members depending on your strength and renovate your architecture or the aesthetics or sense of style.

For example, in ancient Egypt, eunuchs are result of physical castration because of physical reasons to prevent infidelity. While in our time, China's one-child policy is a form of spiritual castration so that their population is controlled. This is a drastic measure but I agree that this is necessary.

Spiritual castration is a must because more people leads to more pollution firstly. We do not want to hurt our Mother Earth any further. Secondly educated people prefer fewer children anyway. What we are affecting here are the multiplying of the uneducated who does not know how to plan their families. Children should grow up comfortably and happily.

There is population explosion in other countries as well so I hope they be aware that this a clear and present danger so I think you should enforce spiritual castration on your people. Lets say the Philippines, they decide whether a four-children or a three-children policy is more appropriate or not.

Population control is a form of spiritual abortion as well so that our Mother Earth survives. We have no choice.
Romans 11
17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;
For the Chinese who have the one-child policy, for sure there are families who would want to have more children and they can take care of them, the alternative is to adopt orphans or sponsor out-of-school youths or be guardians of them.

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