Thursday, August 6, 2015

Road Safety

Hello class! Today is about road safety both for the drivers and pedestrians. Because I see many accidents happening that can prevented with proper instructions and guidance. When strictly enforced, these will minimize accidents.

1. Rise early. Rise early so you drive early so you will make it early for work. When you running late is when you rush that accidents happen because you are impatient and angry. So calm down and let yourself be late. Wake up earlier next time.

I heard from a seminar speaker once that he wakes up around 4am so he can drive three hours from the province to Manila five days a week. This is dedication to work. When you are always late for work, chances are you are not in the right work.

2. Positive attitude and practices

2.1 Be calm and patient. Being a hothead is a cause of altercations because of your ego. There are fight showdowns between drivers because of the littlest things like cutting off the way and honking impatiently.

2.2 Drive with a purpose. Get to your destination as soon as possible without racing. You want to race, you go to a race track. Avoid tripping to pass the time. I seen people irritating people by delaying tactics meaning the driver in front of you slows down to piss you off. There are driver who will tailgate you while others turn on their high beam lights at night that your eyes are affected. Avoid these practices.

3. Be aware of pedestrians. Take notice of the crossing line especially school zones and residential area because children might be playing and can come out of nowhere. Be alert cause pedestrians might not be looking at you.

4. Behavior on motorcycles and cyclists. Be prepared for sudden movement because they might turn anytime or swerve. Do not surprise them with your honking cause it is dangerous that they might swerve.

1. Be alert. Look left and right before crossing. Cross the streets when the vehicles have completely stopped. Children should be teached on how to properly cross the streets.

2. Use the pedestrian bridge. Pedestrians are built so you can walk in it that is why you do not jaywalk.

3. Follow the pedestrian crossing. Be disciplined that you look for the pedestrian stripes even if it meant walking an extra one hundred meters. Prevention is better than cure.

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