Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beautiful Strangers

Hello people! Today we learn about proper internet etiquette so you can have cyber friends and if necessary, you become friends in the real world.

My friends in facebook contains my family, friends and acquaintances amounting to about 100 people. There was a Mafia Wars rage in Facebook before so some of them add up to it. It was so time-consuming and addicting that I have to make another account so as not to disturb the peace in my first account.

And so, I have a gaming account and I have about a thousand friends who have varying addiction to the game. Some of these people are beautiful so as a friendly guy, I have to make acquaintance. My usual line is "Hi. Care for a chat?". But I am unlucky in friendship because women does not usually respond to online friendship.

So my opinion is that to be friends is to be in a natural situation. Because when you message the woman is you made known your interest already. So you cannot be stealth. The best thing you can learn from this is to meet an attractive woman in person. You have no choice.

Twitter and Instagram has same effect evidently because it has the same spirit. So another thing you learn is to not make social media your life okay? Like in all things, things should be balanced and organized and in moderation.

Another thing you look at is your profile photo and description is because it says a lot about who you are and people you are comfortable with. Like I teached you last time, have a smiling picture or a hint of smile as symbol of goodwill. You do not want a duo or a group picture in your profile because people be confused who are you in the picture. Also when you use picture of other people, hide in masks or animals and places is not favorable. Be confident with your face okay?

So we can also conclude that these people smiling in photos tend to flirt while those hiding their faces are stealth about it.

I'm not discriminating romance in social media okay? You send the person a message and tell the person you want to know more about the person. Whether the person respond or not is do not obsess. Life goes on. If the person responds, ask the person for a date. Whether the person agree or not is do not obsess. Move on.


Like I told you, the best time to meet a woman is in a natural situation. I remember when it was enrollment time in college is I was in a queue line to pay my tuition. Next to me was a quite attractive girl so I have to talk to her. It was lunchtime so we went to lunch. I see her few times but nothing progressed because she has a different course so we just forget about each other. 

I'm not saying I am an expert in this okay? Truth is I just dated several girls but no luck so I just listen to the experts so that I can learn. Hey guys remember that self-pity is a no-no. Self-pity is a major turn-off to women so avoid this like a plague. I'm not lonely okay? You can be alone but happy. Just as you can feel lonely with company.  


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