Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Race Equations

The Race Equations

Brown + Yellow = Yellow
Brown + White = White
Brown + Black = Black
Yellow + White = White
Yellow + Black = Black
White + Black = Black

I was thinking about the idea of a common ancestor. The earliest civilizations in history originated from Mesopotamia, Egypt and India. They are black people. With the migration, the skin color evolved according to location, weather conditions, customs and traditions to the White, Yellow and Brown races.

So when there is interracial marriage, the recessive genes appear. We are all black people.

So why does evolution seemingly stopped? I think like the forming of diamonds from coals, we need extreme temperature and extreme pressure that these harsh conditions in the ancient past makes for evolution.
Genome-wide variation from one human being to another can be up to 0.5% (99.5% similarity)
Chimpanzees are 96% to 98% similar to humans, depending on how it is calculated. (source)
Cats have 90% of homologous genes with humans, 82% with dogs, 80% with cows, 79% with chimpanzees, 69% with rats and 67% with mice. (source)
Cows (Bos taurus) are 80% genetically similar to humans (source)
75% of mouse genes have equivalents in humans (source), 90% of the mouse genome could be lined up with a region on the human genome (source) 99% of mouse genes turn out to have analogues in humans (source)
The fruit fly (Drosophila) shares about 60% of its DNA with humans (source).
About 60% of chicken genes correspond to a similar human gene. (source
All of the people alive today can trace their ancestors back to about 10,000 people who lived 175,000 years ago. This is why we share about 99.5% of our DNA with most everyone on the planet. So in a way, we are all related.
People you share a recent (within the last few generations) common ancestor with, however, share more than just 99.5% of their total DNA with you. The closer a relative is, the more DNA you share. And the more distant a relative, the less DNA you share.
Once you get out to about fourth cousins, you sometimes get back down to only 99.5% shared DNA. In other words, at some point DNA won't tell you if you are related to someone, even if you know the person is a cousin based on your family tree.
When we make sure who is our father, we go for DNA testing. A study also suggest that including the biological mother in the Paternity Test strengthens the result. DNA Testing. I'm not saying I am an authority on DNA okay? I have basic knowledge but I use these documents because they are well-accepted ideas of their peers.

So are we saying that humans evolved from chimpanzees? As you can see from above, 98% match is a whole lot of difference from 99.5% match between humans. My belief is that we are not animals but we have animal instincts. 

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