Sunday, August 9, 2015

Work with Faith

The Fox's Proof

Once upon a time there was a fox who met a young rabbit in the woods. The rabbit said: "What are you?"
The fox said: "I am a fox, and I could eat you up if I wanted to."
"How can you prove that you are a fox?", asked the rabbit.
The fox didn't know what to say, because in the past rabbits had always run from him without such inquiries.
Then the rabbit said: "If you can show me written proof that you are a fox, I'll believe you."
So the fox trotted off to the lion, who gave him a certificate that he was a fox.
When he got back to where the rabbit was waiting, the fox started to read out the document. It so pleased him that he dwelt over the paragraphs with lingering delight.
Meanwhile, getting the gist of the message from the first few lines, the rabbit ran down a burrow and was never seen again.
The fox went back to the lion's den, where he saw a deer talking to the lion. The deer was saying: "I want to see written proof that you are a lion."
The lion said: "When I am not hungry, I don't need to bother. When I am hungry, you don't need anything in writing."
The fox said to the lion: "Why didn't you tell me to do that when I asked for the certificate for the rabbit?"
"My dear friend," said the lion, "you should have said that it was requested by a rabbit. I thought it might be for a stupid human being, from whom some of these idiotic animals have learned this pastime."

I get this fable from facebook. The fox should have behaved like a fox. What does a fox do? He chases rabbits for food. Had this fox chased the rabbit, the rabbit would have been convinced he is a fox.

Actions speak louder than words.

The lion is correct that it hunts when the time is right. But it is just an animal. The cats sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. That means 4 to 8 hours of hunting for food. It can be feast or famine for the cat. And from documentaries, the cats go hungry for days.

This is what separates us from animals.

They say when "A door closes, a window opens." This is wrong. When a door closes, you move on to another house because going through the window means you are a burglar. When the door is open, you should have entered.

When people open their doors is not grudgingly nor of necessity. God loves cheerful giver. You are welcome if the door is open. When it is closed, you are not welcome.

The laws are written in your hearts. You do not need anyone's approval/documents in doing good works. Work with faith so go on and make good works.

We are not animals but we have the animal instinct in us.

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