Friday, August 7, 2015

Petting Doctrine

Okay writers. Today I help you out in how to come up with something to write on your blogs. Actually I am only copying some of this haha. I read the bloggers, visit forums, listen to the radio, watch television and read up on social media. So all this keep me in my toes. Some of ideas come to me quickly that I just write directly on the blog. Some of it are not complete so I leave it for review. And some I just draw blanks about the topic but I also write it down to tackle in another time. So I have notebooks to list all these. You also need notepads so you can write ideas while you are away from the computer. This way you will not forget the ideas.

When you go to sleep, keep your notepad and pen next to the lamp because sometimes you wake up in odd hours with flashing thoughts of genius. I'm exaggerating but nonetheless the purpose is for you to write down the ideas because it can slip from memory when you are busy searching for a pen and paper.

Philippians 2
9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
My cat is sleeping here in the table next to my laptop so I just annoy him when I feel like it or if I cannot think of something. In a way, writing is like petting a cat. You become well-rounded when you constantly researching for new ideas.

The diagram tells of the petting zones for a cat. This is absolutely wrong! What injustice! This myth is what scares people away from cats when all cats want is to be petted in all areas. I know it because I have a cat. Is because we are soulmates. To others, there are limits. Meh. Definitely not. Nope.


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