Saturday, August 15, 2015


I have been reading on Confucius stuff and my initial findings is that he is an advocate for Women's rights because of the way they value women in his teachings. Similar to that of Jesus and the Early Christians. They have the same foundation that is the golden rule and like Jesus, Confucius knows that men should lead but acknowledges that women are capable of leadership roles.

Meanwhile in the Art of War of Sun Tzu, I was put-off with that Sun Tzu did not antagonize the leader who has many concubines. My feeling is that the teachings of Sun Tzu is after the physical which sometimes mirrors the spiritual.

Like the Old Testament is to the New Testament of the Bible.

The people of Qi presented Ji Huanzi with a beautiful dancer. After accepting the gift, Ji Huanzi failed to attend court for the next few days. Confucius therefore left. (avoid appearances of evil).
Confucius did get married in case you are wondering. Okay?
The incident took place during the fourteenth year of the Duke Ding's reign (496 BC) when Confucius was serving as Minister of Justice and had made great achievements. The purpose of the gift was to corrupt Duke Ding and his prime minister, Ji Huanzi. They were given to defeat Confucius' plans to reform the State of Lu.
During this time, women did not receive education.
Confucius said: I teach everyone without discrimination. When at work, a gentleman gives priority to his responsibilities and not to the rewards. Towards others, I do not lightly criticize or give praise. If I praise anyone, their deeds would have been proven. The rulers of the three dynasties have done the same, which kept them on the right path. (awards and recognition are allowed as long as the priority are the responsibilities).
A gentleman values trustworthiness and is not petty. When it comes to upholding benevolence, one should not even relent towards one's teacher. (have initiative and lead people. you do not need a teacher to remind you to do what is right. criticize your teacher).
If everyone dislikes a person, it is necessary to investigate. If everyone likes him, it is also necessary to investigate carefully. (try all spirits. criticize what is wrong. criticize what is right. so that you arrive at the truth). 
Be loyal and trustworthy in speech; be earnest and respectful in conduct. In that way, even within an uncivilized state, proposals would be implemented. When one is deceitful and cruel, even in one's home village, his ideas will not be accepted. Only remember at all times: be sincere and honest, loyal and serious, and you will find your ideas accepted everywhere.
If those in the upper echelons live according to the rites, then it will be easy to direct the masses. (same spirit as Dr. Jose Rizal who targeted the rich and powerful with his writings in the spanish language).
A person of high morals will live in seclusion when society tolerates evil. Those who are slightly below them will at least desire to move away from and avoid looking at the faces of evil. Those who are even lower than these, will avoid listening to the unpleasant words. When a government is orderly, one should be upright and speak frankly. Under a corrupt government, one should still be upright but be careful and yielding when speaking. (thus the need for a secret society in the time of Jesus. Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's).
What then you return kindness with? Just repay animosity with fairness and justice, and repay kindness with kindness. Do not suspect another of scheming nor speculate if another is trustworthy; a man of virtue will only make judgments after proper investigation.
Confucius (Kong Qiu), is a latinized name given by the Europeans, existed from 551 BC to 479 BC. He works as Minister of Works and Justice in the state of Lu and was promoted to Acting Grand Councillor. However during that period, the ruler indulged in entertainment and neglected the affairs of the state. Disillusioned, Confucius and his students tour the states preaching to the feudal lords on his philosophy of governance. He retired to his hometown of Lu at age 68, committing himself to editing and teaching the ancient classics.
He advocates the principles of Love your fellow men. Do not do to others what you do not wish to be done to yourself. Desiring to sustain oneself, one sustains others; desiring to develop oneself, one develops others. (because when you teach is like learning the steps once again and learning new steps).
Paraphrased from the book Analects of Confucius. Xu Hui. Adam Sia.

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